Navigating ADHD: Diagnosis, Treatment, and the Power of Direct-to-Patient Recruitment

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) poses significant challenges for millions globally, not only due to symptoms like difficulty concentrating and poor time management but also in navigating the complex healthcare landscape to secure effective treatment. Many individuals hesitate to seek help because of skepticism surrounding ADHD, cultural stigmas, or concerns about insurance and treatment costs.… Continue reading Navigating ADHD: Diagnosis, Treatment, and the Power of Direct-to-Patient Recruitment

Targeting, screening, and supporting patients
during clinical trial recruitment

Patient recruitment challenges facing BioPharma sponsors and Contract Research Organizations are widespread and carry significant consequences for trial success, financial outcomes, and delays in bringing therapeutics to patients. In this article, we will share: Insights into the challenges of patient recruitment for clinical trials Consequences of these challenges Solutions that AutoCruitment offers for both patient… Continue reading Targeting, screening, and supporting patients
during clinical trial recruitment

Expanding Clinical Trials Through Digital Recruitment: A Must for Modern Healthcare

Clinical research is a precise exercise; finding the right patients for an investigational therapy can be the difference between that therapy being approved or not. Sites, sponsors, CROs, and patient recruitment firms all work together to find these patients in the most efficient manners possible. However, that desire for efficiency can be a double-edged sword.… Continue reading Expanding Clinical Trials Through Digital Recruitment: A Must for Modern Healthcare

Evaluating patient recruitment partners when enrollment isn’t going to plan

If you find yourself in the position where you need additional patients to meet your enrollment targets (or if you’re already facing a rescue scenario), there are three key factors to consider when determining how to close the enrollment gap and meet your recruitment targets: time, quality, and engagement support. Time The average time it… Continue reading Evaluating patient recruitment partners when enrollment isn’t going to plan

Multi-Stakeholder Approach to Patient Recruitment

Centralized Patient Recruitment: A More Effective Tool For decades, patient recruitment has remained one of the largest pain points in clinical trials. The issue is so persistent, that the stats have almost become a mantra: 80% of trials fail to meet their enrollment timelines, 50% of sites don’t meet their enrollment targets, and 40% of… Continue reading Multi-Stakeholder Approach to Patient Recruitment

AutoCruitment’s patient recruitment platform supports Sponsors, CRO Partners and Research Sites by decreasing time, risk and cost to bring new therapies to market.

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